FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 2023-24 (Full Time / Part Time)
Takshashila University is established as 6th Private University in State of Tamil Nadu under Tamil Nadu Private University Act, 2019. The sprawling campus is spread over 150 acres is aesthetically attractive, well designed class rooms, Research Labs provide great atmosphere for the learners to excel.
Programmes (Full time / Part time) in the following Disciplines:
- Management
- Computer Science
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Economics
- English
- Commerce
The fees can be paid online in Indian Bank Account and payment proof should be attached with the application form. Online payment details; Indian Bank Account No: 6936229648, IFSC: IDIB000P042, Pondicherry. Application of non-eligible candidates and incomplete form will not be considered, only qualified candidates of entrance test will be interviewed. Interview will be conducted on the same day after entrance test. Merit list and result will be declared after the interview. The applicants who have qualified UGC / JRF / CSIR / NET / SLET / GATE are required to indicate accordingly in the application form for exemption from the written test part for the Ph.D. Entrance Test.
Eligible & Admission Criteria
As per UGC Norms.
Test Pattern
The Entrance Test shall consists of 50 MCQ from English and Comprehensive, Research and Research Ethics, Numerical Reasoning, Indian Constitution, General Knowledge and five descriptive / subjective questions from the Concern discipline.